Thursday, July 31, 2014

Week #3 The MTC..........

This week we didn't get much but here is what he sent me:
I did find out that he gets to go to the temple every Wednesday, and that devotionals are his favorite.

Hi mom!!! I love you! it's so good to hear things are going okay. Things will work out the lord will provide. i see it everyday as i try and teach in my low knowledge of Spanish. This week nothing new really happened except we do have an actual investigator and she really isn't a member and she is from Mexico. we teach her in a thing called TRC which is a teaching resource center here at the MTC. She lives in salt lake right now and as of our first lesson which was yesterday she doesn't have any desire to learn about god or anything but would like to know a little about the church since she lives around it all day everyday. we will change her mind about the gospel I'm sure :) things are good and i am slowly starting to get tired of it here but like you said i still have lots to learn. I hope to hear from you in a few and i hope you know i love you and the family! sending prayers your way, 
Elder Ferrin

Also if you guys get a chance i need you to send me a few things. Sorry i know I'm a pain in the butt, But i still need to give you guys something to do right?? :)
I need my blue full size scriptures sent because they have ALL of my seminary stuff in them
I also need you to send me a new watch if you can... My watch is not working. It won't keep time accurately anymore and i keep thinking I'm on time until my companion reminds me that we are almost late. And if you want me to i can just buy an alarm clock here in the store. the discount that they have for us on all our stuff is pretty good and i can just buy some of this stuff here i just need you to know that i am. The alarm clock is not extremely urgent but i will need one eventually. 
I know there is more stuff i need but i cant think of it right now so i will tell you when i remember.
I love you mom! :)

Some of the Hermanas he is serving with
Elder Ferrin & His Companion
Provo Temple

Food, I think he loves P-day just for the Food.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Week # 2 Email day...................

 Our Elder is doing great Here is the latest from him:     
                                                   Hey Mom!!! so... if you get a call today from a wierd number just answer it :) I promise you'll be glad you did! so... my last week has been pretty basic. we've kind of gotten into a regular groove the last week and not much has new. we get up at 6:30 and head over to the cafeteria and eat some less than great food.... but it's all you can eat so what's the big deal? :) after that it's 3 hours of spanish study and then off to gym for 50 minutes. After gym we eat lunch and then back at it for 3 hours of language study/ gospel study/and then some teaching of our investagators. then dinner and after dinner.... guess what?? more studying!!!! then off to bed :) so life is pretty easy just lots and lots of studying and focus. :) But up until yesterday we had been planning our lessons and writing out a lesson plan for our investagators. As we were about to start planning something for our lesson i told my companion that i felt like we should just go into the lesson and ask daniel (our investigator) some questions that he might have and just go with what we think he needed. As we started he said something about how he just doesn't know if god is here or even real. I felt prompted to tell him about an experience that through, i had come to know that he does listen to and answer prayers still. I wanted to tell him how i had a lot of questions after uncle Aaron had passed away but i couldn't think of the words to say it. So i sat there and said a silent prayer that i could find a way to say it and just couldn't think of the words to say in spanish. I remembered a scripture that our teacher had shared with us that morning Proverbs 3:5-7 and in it the lord says "lean not unto thine own understanding" When the teacher shared that scripture he said that if we just have the desire and we are striving to share our feelings we only need to open our mouth and the lord will bless us with the ability and knowledge to say what we are supposed to. So i decided i'd give it a try and as i opened my mouth the words for what i was thinking came to me in spanish (not perfect spanish but still better than i had spoke at anytime before) I bore him my testimony that god is here on the earth again and that he does answer prayers among a few other thing. As i bore testimony i felt the presence of uncle Aaron there and the spirit helping me and through my broken spanish i told him that families can be together forever if we obey the commandments that he has given. Now keep in mind this was our first lesson with him and i just through a bunch of knowledge out there at him at once. I was worried i had said too much or something but as he started to talk he told me of how he had lost a son 4 years ago at the age of 12 to some sickness and that when that happened he had prayed for his son to get better but it never happened so he felt abandoned and left. This lesson was the best lesson i have experienced as of yet and we will see how tonights lesson goes :) I love this gospel and i know i have more than one companion with me at all times. i feel the presence of others around me all day everyday and i feel everyones prayers night and day as i study and strive to learn the language. I love you Mom, Dad, Jordan, And, tyler and i hope that things are going well. I want you all to know that if we are having a hard time that we can always look to heavenly father for help and i hope you all do whenever your feeling low or things just aren't going your way. I Love you All!!! the gospel is great and the gospel is true. Always strive to have it's influence in your lives. 
With mine and the saviors love,
Elder Ferrin 

Elder Ferrin ran into his Friends from High School

 Elder Ferrin & Elder Jackson 
 Elder Messerli & Elder Ferrin
Elder Graves, Elder Messerli & Elder Ferrin 
Elder Ferrin & Elder Whitlock from Arizona.
He is the only Elder that has been hunting so they have a lot to talk about.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Week # 1 First Email & Pictures.........

MOM!!! :) how are things??? please send more dear elders! it is so great to hear from the family and letters take so long to get here and to you so it's good to get dear elders just to keep up on the family! So anyways things are way good here at the mtc! I'm loving the time here so don't worry about me the days are weeks but the weeks are days :) so yesterday i got to give some of the hermanas (sisters) a blessing with the other elders in my district :) it was the best experience here so far! it's incredible to feel the spirit all day everyday. sometimes it gets hard but for the most part things are good! As i told yo i have been teaching an investigator named Carlos and he is progressing well! the Spanish is coming slow and it's tough for me sometimes but other times it comes easy. I can definitely tell I am being blessed more and more each day! as we teach it is like I'm not the one talking but just the one sitting there and explaining in English. I think I'm speaking English but i am speaking Spanish half the time. It is so cool to see the gift of tongues bless me and my district! there are five other elders in my district and four hermanas in my district. We have become great friends and are growing in the language and the gospel together! :) I love the spirit we feel here each day and the opportunity we have to spread the gospel is such a great blessing! :) My companion is a great guy! I love him already! by the way I have seen and talked to Max everyday since I got here along with Bryce graves! Elders Slater, Weber, and Reeves are all doing well too and I got to see and talk to them yesterday at the devotional! I'm loving things but I think I'm the food a little to much.... ;) Tell everyone I say hi and tell the family I love them please! I miss and love you guys but the gospel is too good not to share so I'll see you all in a few! I love the gospel and the work.
With all of mine and the saviors love, 
Elder Ferrin The Costa Rican Cowboy
p.s. i need my priesthood line of authority and lots of mtn. Dew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :):) I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE LETTERS AND EMAILS PLEASE :)

 Elder Kirk &Elder Ferrin 
 All The Elders in his Appartment
 I am guessing this is a mug shot??
 Lunch,  looks great!
Doesn't he look great!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

And It Begins.....

While we left a piece of our hearts on the curb, It has been replaced with increased pride in an honorable son excited to serve his Heavenly Father as he testifies of the Savior in Costa Rica.