Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Week # 76 & 77 Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo!‏

Well everyone I hope that you had a great Christmas this year and that you are ready for the new year! What a blessing it has been this Christmas season to be a missionary! I have come to enjoy these last two years of Christmas more than any other and I look forward to spending many more in the future in a much more spiritual way. 
This last week we were blessed in my mission with the opportunity of attending a mission wide Christmas activity where we ate a delicious dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy, with a few other fixins on the side. A dinner that I have missed for sometime! Following the dinner we were taught about the city Bethlehem, and the history and special city that it is. After that was time for the presents! all of the packages for the last couple of months were kept in the office for Christmas as our "Christmas presents from Santa Claus". 
Overall it was a beautiful and enjoyable night. Although I missed my family and our normal traditions I did not feel sad or have any desire to be in any place but Costa Rica. 
With the blessing of speaking to my family on Christmas day this week was just a fantastic week. I have seen countless blessings this last month, the Lord does truly provide for his servants and he takes care of all our needs even if we do not see how or why. 
I love you all and I love this gospel. My testimony of this gospel has grown in ways I could not imagine before my mission and I know that if I had not come out here I would not have had these sacred experiences from this first part of my mission. I know this church is true and the only church that can perform the ordinances necessary to bring us back to our heavenly father as a Family unit. I wish that you all may come to know these same things! 
 I love you all and I hope that this letter finds you well. 

Elder Ferrin
Rio Claro, Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Monday, December 21, 2015

Week # 76 Christmas Skype call.......................

We were able to have a nice Skype call with Austin he looked so good and sounded even better.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week # 75 Christmas Service Activity.................

This week was a fantastic week! We were able to go and give service in an old folks home and it was really fun! This was my friend for the day, his name is Chano, he is 90 years old and he is a very funny old man with lots and lots of crazy stories! He lost his eye and one of his fingers in separate accidents working with his dad in a saw mill, at the age of 10. 
Aside from that the work continues to progress here in my area and we continue to see blessings, this week we plan on exploring a new community that we found just outside of town that we found yesterday, it is kind of in the middle of the jungle but there are lots of people and when we talked to them yesterday and taught a few my companion and I both felt that we need to focus more on that part of the area. 
I am happy to be serving as a missionary this Christmas and I hope that you all enjoy this wonderful time of year back home or wherever you may be. Let us all remember what it really means when it is said A savior was born. I love you all and wish you all the best! 

Elder Ferrin

This is the jungle  and he has to walk through  it to get to a little city.  
He said it is 2 miles of just jungle. 
 He is loving this area and the members. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week # 74 It's beginning to look a lot like...summer..?

Well this week there were a lot of changes for our area and zone. We now have divided the area and the sister missionaries are working at full speed. This week was yet again full of blessings and we continue to see the lord prepare his children for baptism and to receive the gospel. This last week we had an older lady that has been going to the church for several years with many sets of missionaries tell us that she is ready to be baptised! It was a very great blessing to receive and so now we are helping her prepare for the baptismal service this in two weeks. The Heat is getting extremely high but we are just dealing with it. I love the area and the work that we are doing. Our members here in the branch are fantastic people and i am truly coming to love them! I wish you all a fantastic week and i hope that you all continue to find ways that will strengthen your testimonies!

Elder Ferrin