Monday, September 28, 2015

Week# 64 Here comes Confrence..........

Well it has been another week and things are going Well as always! This last week we were able to set up a booth in the park again and invite a bunch of people to general conference! So that was pretty great! We were un-able to baptise the 2 investigators that we had planned due to a couple little problems in the ward but we will finally be able to do it on the 10th of October. So I am excited to see that! Well aside from that this week was a pretty normal week of working and inviting a ton of people to conference this Saturday and Sunday. I hope you all are doing well, and I also hope that you all are able to hear conference this coming weekend! I love you all!

Elder Ferrin

My favorite picture taken of the day, one of my elders contacting and "crying repentance" :)
And then the lunch afterward with almost the whole zone was able to help with the contacting in the park.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Week #63 Blessings & Spiritual Experiences........

Well this last week was a fantastic week full of blessings and spiritual experiences, first off after I got home last week on Monday and I felt that I should call one of my converts from my first area. Well I had lost contact with him about 6 months ago. (his cell was not working since he was working in the jungle but I did not know that.) but anyways last monday I felt I should call him and well guess what? he answered and, well right away he realized who I was, and yelled "Brother Ferrin!!" he yelled it so happy that it surprised me an awful lot. He told me that he had been wishing that he could call me all that day and since he had lost my phone number he couldn't. Well he started to tell me a ton of information! First that he has started a temple fund so that in December he can come down to the temple and go through with me! He also had some other news that he will have another child in his family, with his wife in Nicaragua, and this week he goes back to stay for a few months to take care of his little family, but he told me that he is going to have a baby boy and that they are going to name him "Austin René Altamirano" I will not lie, I cried a lot as I talked to him and heard him tell me of how grateful that we taught him and gave him this gospel. Man I am so happy to have contact with him again! 
Later on thursday I had planned a baptismal interview for a lady that has had to go through a long process of repentance and so in preparation for the interview I spent two days of personal study preparing for the interview. I Spent most of my time studying about the atonement, and its role in our lives. Well As I showed up with her and started the interview and as I began the interview she cried an awful lot, explaining her desire to be baptized for the last 6 years and well it was a very spiritual experience and to make the story short as I was finishing up the interview she had a couple questions and one of them was "does it hurt to repent" and I went over Alma 37 with her and explained how Alma felt as he was repenting, later as I got to verse 40 where it talks about the great joy that alma felt she stopped me and said "Elder can you please read me that verse again?" and so I read it again and she told me that the night before she had dreamt about that same verse of scripture and how she had been wondering why those words were in her mind all day long. Well to not make the story too long, I was able to finish the interview with her and I am happy to say that she will be able to be baptised this coming saturday with her two sons, after 6 years of waiting. I love my job. 
Well as you can probably tell things are going fantastic here and I love every little challenge that we have. I love you all and I hope that each and everyone of you are doing great as well. Take care this week and Just stay strong in the gospel please, I know that, that is the only way that we will all be happy. 

This a little booth they set up in the park and share the gospel with those who come by.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week #62 No Taco Bell Please......

His letter was really short today, He was busy and just said  a few things:

Well to start off last week after I ended our Email I started to not feel very well.  We had ate at Taco Bell and I was starting to have a bad stomach ache.  I was sick for about 24 hours and then we were able to get back out and teach.  Nothing really to report this week.  To top it off I had a Ingrown Toenail too.  But things are great.  

As a parent I will take even 5 mins just to talk if that is all I can get.  

Sending extra Prayer this week.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Week #61 Saludos a gringolandia‏...........

Well how is everyone this week? Things down here in Costa Rica are going great! This last week was a very hot week but since I am in a cooler area things are not too bad for us. This last week was pretty crazy for us since there are many new missionaries in our zone and there is a new set of Elders that are opening an area. So with new houses, new areas, and all of the fun that comes with that we had a little bit less time to work in our area this week. 
It came down to Sunday night and we still hadn't met our goal of new investigators in our area for the week and so my companion and I were really trying to find those chosen families to teach. Well last night at about 6 o clock we were missing 4 new people and we had a little extra time before our next appointment and so we decided to search for a family. Well as we were walking and trying to discern where the spirit wanted us to go we continued to walk down a new little alley in the area, one that we have never been to before and well it turned out to be a dead end. So what did we do? We decided to contact the last house on the street and well long story short we were able to teach a great little family that is already married which is almost unheard of here! So even though it may sound like a simple little story it was a true little tender mercy for us to find them. This week we will continue to teach them and I feel really good about them. 
Another thing that I came to realize this last week was that the joy of sharing this gospel with people that don't know about it yet is one of the best feelings that I have come to feel in the last year of my mission. Giving that hope and peace to people that deeply need it is such a blessing for me! I truly love my calling. 
Well I hope that everyone has a great day and an even better week! And just a quick HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of my best friends Syster Nielsen over there in Sweden! I hope that it goes great!

Take care everyone and I love you all!! 
Please share this gospel. There will be deep regrets in the eternities if we don't.   We cannot have a single empty seat in the celestial kingdom!  

con mucho cariño y amor,
Elder Ferrin

D&C 6:33
Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward. 

and look who I ran into today in the central park? 
Good ol, Elder Kirk. 
Since he is in the other mission that doesn't happen much. 

This picture was sent from a SR couple that is serving with Elder Ferrin. 
 They are from South Weber and send us Pictures when they run into Elder Ferrin.  
We sure love them.  Thank you Brother & Sister Petersen.

Well I was walking down the street the other day and then I heard a strange sound and my shoe felt funny.... well that nifty little plastic bar that comes on the inside of your shoes? ya mine finally fell out,  the shoes were doing real good till that happened.

so I took them to a member that fixes shoes and well.... in a couple of days he had them looking brand new! 
More or less... and well 10 dollars later we are back in business!