Monday, May 25, 2015

Week # 46 New Shoes and more RAIN!!

Hey how are you four!? Sounds like things have been a little crazy for all of you guys! floods, trapped horses, new hunts, Jordan gone to the cabin, flooding, and all of the other stuff. That sounds like a lot of fun to keep you all busy! For me here the biggest news is that my shoes are deteriorating.... I did not know that this much rain existed. There are houses that are lifted off the ground about 3 feet and until this week I did not understand why. I don't have photos right now but I will try and take some this week. Last night was absolutely insane though. We literally couldn't get to a house for a baptismal interview because the rain came down so hard that it had two feet of water all the way around. This is some crazy rain but the good part is that this is normal for them so the drainage system here is really good. Therefore the water goes down and leaves really fairly quick. Within 30 minutes the 2 feet of water is completely gone and you would never know it was there if your weren't so wet. :) but things are looking good for the zone and for my area. We have two baptisms for this week and the Zone has the chance of reaching 15 baptisms (but president thinks we are only going to get our original goal of 12 so we will try and give him a nice little surprise.) But this week was pretty great we had a great time in divisions as I went with Elder Farnsworth from Moab Utah. He was really great and is a great Elder! We saw some great miracles and I feel that we both learned a lot! I hope that he can now take what he learned and put it into action to make his area flourish. But as for me that was my week so I will leave you all with a wish of health and I hope you know I love you all!! Take care and I will write you all this next week. I also hope that the rain does not bother our house too much. 

Elder Ferrin

Monday, May 18, 2015

Week # 45 O esta, todo bien.......

This week has been a great week! I hope you all are doing great! The rain there sounds like it is flooding a few people. For us we have had rain all day for the last 6 days. It was a little nicer because I would rather be wet from rain then wet from sweat.... :)  This week we were blessed in many ways and to just make it short I will tell you all of two. :) First off this week was the first week since the MTC that I have eaten a dinner all seven night of the week! :) so if someone is praying that I will get fat or that I will get offered more food your prayers are being answered! So that was a great tender mercy. Also this last week we were blessed to help another child of God enter the waters of baptism. His name is J. A. and he is quite crazy but he is excellent. We met him and his family because one day we were looking for his mom who has been inactive since she was 13. About 20 years ago, but when we found the mom she was a little cold with us and said she wanted nothing to do with the church (she even later told us that she was a little irritated that the missionaries continue to pass by to "annoy" her) but as we were leaving her son yelled after us to find out more about the church. Well we began to explain and teach a little bit and well the situation was a little rough for this young man. He had been doing drugs and drinking and doing a lot of dumb teenage stuff and well that is when we found him. His mom and dad had him on house arrest and he was not allowed to leave unless he was under the supervision of someone else. Long story short we eventually taught his family everything and he told his parents he wanted to be baptised and this is when the greatest blessing came out. His father had been coming to church with him for a few activities and his father said that not only could J be baptised but that he was going to do the same. So in two weeks J father will be baptised and we were able to get the mom to come back to church! Long story short, THIS GOSPEL IS FOR FAMILIES!!! for you missionaries out there please don't settle for children search for the parents! There is nothing better than inviting a family to be an eternal one! this was my week in a nutshell and I love you all!! Bless a family with the gospel. I promise you wont regret it. :)
Elder Ferrin

Monday, May 11, 2015

week # 44 Mothers day & Miracle of the week.......

We had the opportunity to speak to Elder Ferrin for Mother's day, and here is the a picture that we took.  It was so great to hear his voice and to see how happy he is.  He is doing so great. 

This week I will just tell you about a super cool miracle that happened to us.... Well this week in my zone we did some divisions and things went really well! We had a lot of blessings this week and a super cool miracle that happened was after our training on Tuesday with our mission president (each month the mission leadership goes to a training in the capital) well after the training I felt that the Lord wanted more out of my area this month. We have 2 baptisms that are for sure going to happen with a couple possibilities but I felt that the Lord wanted more out of us, as well my companion was feeling the same but we were not sure how to do it. Well we were arriving at the bus stop and when we got off my companion and I both felt we should go double check the hours for the buses the next day because we would be starting divisions and well we entered the bus stop and they were closing and cleaning up for the day but the man that was cleaning up kept looking at us and we started talking to him and well he eventually told us that they were going to be baptised and married in our church but they were unable to get married here in Costa Rica due to lack of papers, so they decided to save money and go back to Nicaragua and get married and return to Costa Rica to be baptised. So they had gotten back exactly 8 days before!! We taught them once on Saturday night and they were eternal investigators for about 2 years! but we are now going to finally baptise them this 23rd of this month!! Isn't that amazing?? The Lord is providing us the way to do his will. Man I love being a missionary and I love being an  instrument in the Lords hands. That was one and there were a bunch of others but I will just write the others in my journal.

Elder Ferrin

Monday, May 4, 2015

Week #43 The Harvest.........

Hello family and friends, 
 This week has been a great week and we are seeing a lot of miracles! I am now working with my "new" companion and we are finding lots of great investigators! In the last week we have found a lot of families that before they had been receiving missionaries in their house. There have been several of them that have told us that when the missionaries before taught them they did not understand really well what they were being taught but now they remember a little and what we are teaching makes a lot of sense to them! 
I know that the reason for that is not because the missionaries were bad or did not teach well, the reason is because each of us every time we speak to someone about the gospel are planting a seed in the hearts of these people and now later down the road here I am harvesting and planting more and more. This is how our heavenly father works! He is a planner! In all things we can see he had perfect plans and he knows what is going to best for each of us. We just need to figure out our part of the plans so we can all help this work move forward and  finding out our purpose in this life is vital and we can find out what it is as we study and pray diligently. I hope each and every one of us can understand that and start looking to see what it is he wants from us. I love you all and I wish to all the mothers and sisters in the world a happy Mothers day this coming Sunday. I love you all and most of all I know this church is the true church of our Savior and Redeemer even Jesus Christ.
Have a great week! :)

Elder Ferrin