Monday, January 25, 2016

Week # 80 What a week.......

What a week! We had lots of meetings and lots of blessings. This last Saturday we were able to see uncle Johnny be baptised! It was a wonderful and spirit filled service and almost all of his family was able to attend. There were many tears and testimonies shared which made for a very beautiful experience for everyone. Also this coming week we will be blessed to hear from Elder Quentin L. Cook. That will be a wonderful experience and so I am excited for that,  Also this last week there was a world wide conference for missionaries where we were taught a great deal on how we can improve. In all it was a great week. 

The principle I learned this week was about "Faith in the Lord's timing" After seeing for the last year and a half many people receive and reject our message I have come to see that the Lord's timing is a divine thing. It can be shown in different forms such as the passing of a loved one, A loved family member straying from the gospel, or the many trials of life. Through these many trials we are tested & given the opportunity to strengthen our "Faith in the Lord's timing." We are constantly seeing these experiences and constantly being tried, We need only trust and have faith in the perfect plan of god. He will love us, guide us and care for us. We need not fear or cry for our Heavenly Father is watching over each and everyone of us and will bless us for our efforts. 
I love you all and invite you to pray with me for a stronger "Faith in the Lord's timing."

With much love
Elder Ferrin

From a mother that needed  some extra help:  Here is proof that  answers to  prayers are real.   I have been struggling with a few things lately and then after some scripture reading and a few prayers to heavenly father I received this email today.  I am going to take this challenge and have Faith in the Lord's timing.  I love my savior and am very grateful to a son who is will to share his testimony with those who will let him in to share it. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Week # 79 Obedience................

Well family and friends I hope that you are all happy and healthy. As always this week was fantastic and we enjoyed the presence of an extra elder for a few days while there were some extra changes made in the zone and he was without a companion. Also this week I finally gave in to the pleas of the sister missionaries and made us all a lunch. The sisters are from Mexico and Belize so they both had made us traditional food from their country and for some time now they have been bugging me to fix something... Well since I was not sure what to make that would be classified as "Traditional Utah food" and not be a jello bowl with fruit, I taught them all how to cook Hobo Dinners. Everyone liked it, so things worked out well with that.
This week the gospel principle that I have enjoyed studying is the obedience. As I studied this week I enjoyed specifically the way that Luke speaks about the moments that Christ spent in Gethsemane. The words that Luke includes in his writings show that Christ said  "Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me, Nevertheless, not my will but thine be done" I love those words, and I have come to realize a small part of the importance in aligning our will with that of our Heavenly Fathers. True obedience is not just obeying because we don't want the consequences for being disobedient but, it is when we are obedient because the things that we want are the same as our heavenly father. In my mission I have been greatly blessed to have had two wonderful mission presidents that have taught me these great eternal principles! I pray that we all may strive this coming week to be more obedient and strive to align our desires and be more devoted. I know without a doubt that as you strive to apply this principle it will greatly bless our families and communities. I love you all and wish you a great week!

Elder Ferrin

Eating hobo dinners and a Giant iguana.... I wanted to eat him but we didn't have time. ;)

Monday, January 11, 2016

Week # 78 Preach My Gospel............

Well this week was a great week, but what else can you expect while serving the lord. It has been hot but with the extra rain this week we have not had too much heat, its been a mild week compared to others, but as always soaked in sweat. (there is no escaping that) My new companion arrived last monday night at about 8 o clock so our first day of work was tuesday. Things are going great with him! He basically is the exact opposite of me in the worldly aspect of things such as he does not agree with hunting, doesnt like the mountains and enjoyed many video games before the mission, but the funny thing is, When you are missionaries and both have the same desire to preach the gospel to everyone, well none of that stuff matters and you get along as if you were best friends since birth! :)
This week we were able to teach one of our investigators named "uncle Johnny" he is our fishing buddy and has been a "dry member" of the church for about 40 years now and on the 24th he will be baptised. His brothers and sisters, are very excited and happy for him, and so are we! it will be great to finally see him be baptised and be able to participate as a member after so many years of investigating. 
This week the principle that i would like to share with you all is the principle of "love one another" This last week was a great week for learning, As we have taught a few of our investigators there is one that i have come to love deeply. His name is Roger. Now roger is not one of our "investigators of gold" He is not one of the types of people that is ready to fill the baptismal font and jump in as many would say. He actually has a large addiction to alcohol. He has not been able to come to church in the 3 weeks that we have taught him and i am not sure if he will be baptised soon or not. But as i have worked with him i have come to see him in a small way as our savior sees him. Since the first lesson with him i have hugged this grown man and loved him even when he doesn't keep his commitments. Before i would have become very frustrated and maybe stopped teaching him, but as i have come to learn how our father in heaven condemns the sin and not the sinner i have come to understand the importance of helping him. I know that we all have people in our lives that let us down, disappoint us, or commit errors that may cause us to lose our trust and maybe love for them, but i know that if we are truly disciples of Christ we would not only love them but love them more and strive in a better way to help them return to the straight and narrow path. So let us all this week try and find that "lost sheep" and bring them back into the fold. If one of us has strayed away, please come back. Our father in heaven loves each and every one of us more than we can comprehend. 

Elder Ferrin

Today they explored a cave, he said that they had a lot of fun.  
will update more later.